Being overdue far too long, here starts my series of short snippets picturing omnipresent measures to efficiently and reliably control / advise great masses. The film adaptations of dystopiae like George Orwell’s ‘Nineteen-eighty-four’ or P.D. James ‘The Children of Men’ take place near London for a reason: a nicely-fitted setting. This rather anti-juppie post series will highlight occasional encounters of this pratique englaise.
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Some curious iconography
Taking London 1984 one step further. Stay tuned for the green suspicious sign… Continue reading
Just another London 1984
Being overdue far too long, here starts my series of short snippets picturing omnipresent measures to efficiently and reliably control / advise great masses. The film adaptations of dystopiae like George Orwell’s ‘Nineteen-eighty-four’ or P.D. James ‘The Children of Men’ … Continue reading